Global Energy Briefing No 173: International Energy Markets and Company Strategies in March 2019 (Deutsch/English)

The new edition of our newsletter Global Energy Briefing (No.173, 53pp) covers two topics:

A. Prices and market balance in the oil, gas and hard coal markets worldwide.

B. Company strategies and market trends in fossil and renewable energy markets (including EV and batteries).

Some focus themes of this issue are:
(a) oil price outlook and 2019/2020 shale oil volumes; the slump in global gas prices; update EV sales statistics;
(b) preliminary model of „strategies in transition“; the future of the Permian Basin; strategic moves by Shell, Saudi Aramco, Tongwei, LONGi, SPIC, Senvion, Iberdrola, EDP, RWE, VW; trends in the global FTM and BTM battery markets.
(c) vademecum: global energy data.

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